Wednesday, 29 January 2014


No, not onesies  (though in my young day we used to call them 'combinations'!) this is THREESIES - Carmi's challenge over at written inc for photos of three of a kind.   I had to dig into my archives for these - hope you enjoy them.   Follow that link to see what others have come up with!

1940's hats on show at a '40's weekend a couple of summers ago.   Don't you just love them!

Horse Chestnuts, definitely not edible, commonly called conkers.

Sweet Chestnuts, which are edible, though these aren't what you might call plump!

And lastly, three visiting Canada Geese on the lake in our park.   We haven't seen any Canada Geese for the last two years, as a very aggressive pair of Mute Swans have made their home here and see off anything bigger than a Mallard which ventures to land on the water!   In fact, the few geese that do fly over never even bother to land - they take one look at the swan and go away!   Which I think is a pity.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Grey days, grey theme!   Carmi, over at written inc begs us to bring forth our greyish photos!   Go over to the link above and see what others have come up with on our grey days!

Ice tracks in the frozen lake in our local park.   No, its not black and white, it really was that colour!

Knots and nails in our fence!

Early morning on the winter lake.   Very low sun and against the light, I thought it made a good shot!

Stacked chairs

And lastly, a fallen angel at our local Parish Church.   Poor thing used to be on the roof, but now has to play his/her harp shoved away in a corner!

Do go the the link above, and see what others have come up with.   I can guarantee we will all have different greyish photographs!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


When I'm in another city, or country for that matter, yes, I love to look at great scenery and architecture, but my real desire is to see how other people live.   I like to see the houses they live, in what they wear and above all what they eat!   You may have noticed that in some of my photos in past blogs!

Carmi, over at writteninc has challenged us to dig in our archives and show others what we see in other cities.   To see what others have posted, follow the link.

The Spanish love their tiled and mosaic-laid streets, but frankly, this one in Alicante, made me feel a bit sea-sick!

I know Spain is a Catholic country, and maybe more "religious" than us, but I just cannot see a street in England being called "Holy Ghost Street".   And certainly not having such a beautiful sign!

Streets in Mediterranean countries are built high and close together so that the sun does not reach them, and apartments remain cool.   This one is in Cadiz.

Told you I liked looking at food!   This is the fish market in Bergen.   I did wonder how the Norwegians actually prepared and ate the fish and seafood!

When you live in the Arctic, you can't depend on getting around on foot.   These snowmobiles are ready for action when winter comes.   We were in Longyearbyen in Svalbard way up in the high Arctic.    It was June when we visited there, but the mountains still had snow (you can just see it in the background) and there was a nippy wind!   It must be pretty desolate there, when the sun hardly struggles above the horizon for months at a time!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Another week of favourite pictures!   It wasn't too hard to come up with more!

The red of our Chinese Rowan berries against the blue of a tarpaulin which had been put over the summerhouse roof whilst it was being repaired.   I just loved the colour contrast!

Honey fungus on a dead tree in the park.   I know its a nasty thing to have in your garden, but I'm inclined to agree with the gardener who reckoned there was only really one mother body underneath the whole of England!

A cheeky squirrel sitting on the water butt outside our kitchen window!

The black and white pattern of snow on the tree in our front garden

A sunrise from the bedroom window in December

And lastly, one of my tulips on the patio after rain.

If you enjoyed looking at these, why not go along to Carmi's site at writteninc and see some more favourite photos from other photographers across the world!