Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Carmi's superb shot of water bottles, taken in quickly at a supermarket till, not only shows what looks like blue water, but introduces our challenge for this week.   LIQUIDITY in all its manifestations is what we are after!   To see what others have made of this, go over to Carmi at writteninc and maybe be inspired to post some yourself!   Its not a competition,  just a friendly posting of our shots of the subject Carmi sets.

Anyway, I got my mind thinking about Liquidity, and came up with these.

There are always fountains playing in Spanish towns.   These are in Cadiz, and aare actually half of a fountain - there is another row facing these, but I wanted to concentrate on the water as it cascades downwards.

This is a bit of very liquid sea as we found ourselves in rather rough sea on our cruise!

Raindrops on the long flat leaves of a Phormium

The wave patterns a coot makes in the early morning light on the lake in our Park.

I hope these shots aren't just 'water'. but show some of the nature of the water, if you can understand what I'm trying to say!   That's what liquidity means to me, anyway!

Thursday, 20 March 2014


Technology doesn't have to be plugged in and switched on!   If It is "The Appliance of Science" (to coin a phrase) then, as I read it, someone theorises a scientific principle, and one of the backroom boys or girls uses it to make something we would never have thought of!   Or something like that!

I have a great admiration for the women and men who thought out ways of making their life easier by using science.   Even if they didn't know they were doing it.

So in homage to the first men and women who reckoned there must be an easier way of dragging heavy loads across rough ground than with a sled, I give you......

........the wheel!

including, of course, all the business of axles and whatnot!

And after that there was the principle of levers and springs.   Without which we would not have a great many items essential to our lives, including

The Hole Punch

And then there is all the discoveries of light, magnification, reflection, lenses and a whole bagload of stuff without which half of us wouldn't be able to see properly, our internal lives would be a mystery (just think X-rays, scans etc) and life generally would just not be as we know it!

Binoculars are quite complex enough for me!

Go over to Carmi at writteninc to see all the other technological ideas others have come up with!

Thursday, 13 March 2014


When we walk around, especially around towns. we tend to look down, or straight ahead if you are not afraid of stumbling!    And we miss lots of interesting sights, and great photo shots.

Carmi, over at written inc has challenged us to Look Up!    He, over in Toronto, has many more 'up' than I can find, but below are my results of Looking Up!

The balconies on Barcelona apartments made an interesting pattern

We stood on the top deck of our cruise liner, wondering if it was going to squeeze under the bridge at Lisbon

But it did!

I've posted this before, but its one of my better 'Look Up' shots, so I've put it in again!

The Clock Tower over the entrance to Leek Butter Market stands guard over the outdoor market as well.   (Leek is in Staffordshire, for those that find it an odd name!)

And finally, across the road from Macclesfield Library is an old house with a fascinating arched window, and four stories in the adjoining building.   I think those tiny windows at the top would be maybe nurseries or the servant's quarters when they were built.   Not sure of the age bu the architecture looks Georgian.

Go to the link at the top, to see what others have found 'Looking Way Up'.

Thursday, 6 March 2014


Carmi has challenged us to photographs depicting LYING DOWN ON THE JOB.   Now this one was a difficult one for me, because I don't get out much.   (I really must get out more!)   So I decided to stick to my own patch and the natural world!

Go to Carmi at writteninc to see what others have found lying down on the job!

I expect my button daisies to stand up and look Springlike!

On the other hand, worms can do no better than to keep lying down on the job!   Had to dig these up specially for their photo call, but let them go down into the soil afterwards!