Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Our heads are in the clouds today, as Carmi has challenged us to look above us, and see the clouds.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a terribly great day here, but I took some cloudy pictures.   Not lying on my back, as Carmi was, I'm too old for that!

It looks as though rain is threatened.   Should I be hanging out my washing?

Hmm, is that a clearance coming?

Yes, the sun is coming out!

Follow the link above to see more cloudy pictures!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Trees are so important to our landscapes, but sometimes we only notice they are there when they are gone, so to speak.   But trees age, and eventually will die, and if they are left to lie where they fell, will provide food and homes for countless insects and other animals.

So when we fell trees, and only when we must, then we should plant a tree to replace it.   Perhaps not right where the old one was, but somewhere beneficial!

Trees and Branches are Carmi's challenge to us this week, so here are mine.   I had a hard time choosing, as I love photographing trees, but decided these made the grade!

This tree, which I suspect is actually from one trunk, having been coppiced hard in its youth, is one of the many willow species.   I love the way the branches spray out like a wooden fountain!

The roots of an old beech tree in our Park.   Unfortunately the Council, in its wisdom decided it was diseased and cut it off at about 20ft from the ground!   But the roots still remain, as interesting as ever, and typical of beech roots.

A larch tree, just along from our back gate, in its autumnal glory.   Spring is nearly as glorious, with the little tufts of green first coming out.

A weeping willow, in all its spring glory.   One of the first trees to come into leaf here, it always makes me feel Spring is really on its way, even if the wind is still freezing cold!

Saturday, 17 May 2014


I'm very late this week, so will slip in a couple of landscapes, as Carmi has challenged us.   Go to the link to find some super landscapes.

Looking at land across water, down in the Mediterranean

Tortuous road in Tenerife

Closer to Home - view to landscape across townscape

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


As a family, I have always been in a pet-loving household.   When children, we had two cats, one of which survived being bombed with us, appearing in the morning after with his tail held high!

But strangely enough, when married, I turned into a dog person.   Though that might have had something to do with our daughter's insistent pleas for a dog!   So we got a Springer Spaniel/Border Collie Cross puppy.   (Mum, a pedigree Springer Spaniel had Got Out at the wrong time!)    Our daughter named her Wags.

Wags immediately decided she was my dog, and I know she would have defended me to the death when we went for our very early morning walks in the woods

Shed stayed with us for 13 years, until she suffered a tumour and was gently put to sleep as I stroked her head.   I broke my heart over her death, she had been a huge comfort to me at a very difficult time, and even now I find I catch my throat when I think of her.

A couple of months later we got Ben, from the local Rescue Centre.   He decided he was a Man's Dog, and really liked being with my husband best!   He adored car rides, and we think he must have been used to riding in the front passenger seat as he immediately got up there!   We managed to look under the Tippex on his medical card and found he had belonged to someone on the nearby RAF station.    He was a healthy, tough and adventurous dog whose ambition was to dig down to Australia.   We had him for 15 years, when again, old age made his life difficult, and I stroked his head once more at the last.   (Mr.G can't cope with all that!)

We had four or five dog-free years, when our arms were gently twisted emotionally to take on Max, who belonged to ex-son-in-law who was going to the USA, and wanted his two dogs to be rehomed.   Grandsons said how good it would be if Granny and Grandad would have him.

So Max came into our lives and is still with us.   I must admit to looking back on those dog-free years with longing, as Max is a very demanding dog.   Demanding, that is for food.   His life revolves around Food, Food and more Food.   As soon as I start cooking, he is there, hopeful ears up, in case something should fall on the floor.   Not only that, he has an excellent internal clock, and comes and tells me when its coffee/tea/lunch or dinner time, and GET Cooking with Food!!

Pets, who'd have 'em!   For other pet tales and photographs, go to Carmi's Thematic Photographs to see lots of other adorable pets!