Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Some of the food I've seen for sale could come under the heading "weird"!    Carmi, over at writteninc. has taken his camera to his local shops and found some very odd food!

Go to the link and see what others have come up with from their local or holiday shops.   Mine seem to be a fishy tale!

Spotted in the big Barcelona Market.   I think those funny looking things on the right are octopus, with their tentacles folded in.   The left ones might be some sort of Dover sole.   The ones at the back are perfectly normal and tasty sardines!

Something strange in the crustacean line  in Bergen market!

Swordfish at Madeira.   We tried them once and were not impressed!

Up close cauliflower -  quite cloud-like!

Artisan bread looks quite hard and rocky up close

And Savoy Cabbage looks really odd and uneatable.   But it isn't really!

Hope you like my fish and vegetables - do leave a note if you visit.   And if you can translate those Spanish tickets on the fish I would be very grateful!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Carmi, over at Thematic Photographs has chosen Where You Work for us to illustrate this week.

Hmmm!   That's a bit difficult.    Being well over 21 and retired, and a woman to boot, do I actually work?   You bet I do!   

So here are a couple of photographs of my kitchen - my domain(!)   They were taken to show my sister the new doors and drawers we had fitted, so not a lot of tidying up was done!

Do go to the link above, I am certain there are far more interesting, and unusual shots, of where people do (paid) work!

And yes, that is a loaf of bread I've just made in the bread-maker in the bottom picture!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Arrived back from a weekend in Spain (!) to find the subject for this week is 'Multiples'.   Having done a LOT of queueing (standing in long lines for you over the pond!) maybe I should have taken photos of multiple people carting loads of those little bags on wheels that now fit into the overhead lockers on the plane.   Well, provided you get there first.   My daughter and I estimated that no way was there enough room for everyone to put a case in a locker!

However, I searched my archives and found several multiples, but Carmi deserves only the best, so here we go:

Stacked plastic baskets

Wellie Bootees, or Bootee wellies, whichever!

Stacked wood blocks

Stacked fish baskets on the quay at Cobh, Ireland

Houses built on a near-perpendicular cliff at Cobh, Ireland.   It was taken through the window of our cabin, so not particularly good quality, but they were so lovely!   You had to be fit to live there!

Go to this Blog to see what others have come up with for Multiples - I can guarantee there will be some interesting interpretations!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Cheering us all up after a cold winter, which seems to have been going on for ever, even in the UK, where we don't get the long snow time Canada and the Northern US do, spring flowers are a real blessing.

So, ephemeral they may be, they are still beautiful.   Carmi, over at writteninc. asks us to take our cameras out and find some flowers.   Go to the link to see what others have come up with.

I decided that although I have a lot of flower shots in my archives, some up-to-the-minute shots of some of the flowers on my patio would be best.

The daffodils looked lovely this morning, with the sun shining through them.

And as soon as the sun touched the buds of the tulips, they sprung open.

The flowers on our Pussy Willow tree shone silver and gold as they opened.   The bees loved them.

The tree is actually a miniature (well, small) weeping willow, which we rescued from the humiliation of being in a "special offer" box, at a really good price, and proved to look much better after a bit of TLC than the much more expensive ones at our local, very up-market. Garden Centre!

Do let me know if you visit!  I love getting your comments.

Thursday, 2 April 2015


Didn't think I had any shots for "Please be seated" this week!   But then I remembered the House in Orkney that we went to last year.   I can't remember the name of the house, but I don't think I would feel very relaxed sitting in this room!

And I feel very sorry for the tiger!

For other interesting chairs and seating arrangements, go over to Carmi's writteninc.  to see what others have come up with.

Please leave a comment if you visit - I will see them when I return from sunny Spain!   :)