Thursday, 28 January 2016


Most of us cannot do without some form of lens, certainly if we take photographs, look through binoculars, or just need our eyesight corrected.

So here are a couple of my interpretations of Carmi's subject for our photography this week.   Go to the link to see what others have come up with - there are as many interpretations as there are photographers over there!

Two eyes bad, four eyes good??

If you want a massive discount, just make it bigger!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


This week, its TYRES (or Tires, if you are the other side of the pond!)   Not a very easy subject, but to see what others make of the subject, go over to writteninc. for this week's Thematic Photography.

This one is from my archives - a very posh wedding car waiting outside the Town Hall

Back at home, Mr. G's bicycle, which he hasn't ridden in a number of years, due to ageing joints!

Then there are the little wheels, with smooth tyres on our tea trolley,

And lastly, the battered and muddy tyres on our trolley we use in the garden for carrying heavy loads.   One day it will collapse under the strain!!

It all makes one grateful for the invention  of whatever it is the tyres are made of.   A hundred times better than iron rimmed wooden wheels, or the "boneshaker" early bicycles!

By popular demand I have added a
this photo of the car of which part appeared above.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


BARE is the subject Carmi, over at writteninc has set us.   Bare, naked, nude, needy, I wonder how everyone else will interpret this?   Go to the link and have a look!

Trees are always beautiful when they are bare, and its easy to see how different theier forms are according to their species.   The one on the left is a Horse Chestnut, while the one on the right is an Ash.

And this is an Oak against a snowy park.

Rather to the horror of Mr. G I had our privet hedge cut right back.   Naturally, being privet, it grey back very quickly and made a much better hedge, but it was rather bare for a few months, except when it wore snow caps!

This is one of our local reservoirs in 2013, when the lack of rain over several months had left the biggest expanse of bare earth and rock that we had ever seen.

And this I snapped at a flea market at Leek, in Staffs.   I think that could be called bare!

Hope you enjoyed these - do leave a comment if you called, I love reading them!

Tuesday, 5 January 2016


Its everything BLUE this week for the Thematic Photography.    Apart from blue skies, which we haven't seen much of lately!     Do go to the link to see what others have found Blue this week.

There are of course, blue flowers.   These are Grape Hyacinths

There is nothing quite so blue as a blue tarpaulin!

The old blue paint on this ancient gate is nearly off.   Its propping up a compost heap!

Blue wellies ready for the rain and mud!

Sun beds ready for the sun on a cruise ship.

Do let me know if you have visited, and leave a comment - I always enjoy reading them!