Wednesday 10 August 2011


This week Carmi's Thematic Challenge is ROUGH

The skin of this pineapple proved very rough, and hard to get off! There must be a gadget that does it neatly, cleanly andwithout getting juice all over the place!

I took the photo of this holly, as I loved the red of the new leaves. I suppose prickly rather than rough describes it, but its certainly rough if you brush against it, being a very close hedge-like holly bush at the side of a path!


Max Sartin said...

I don't think I'd like to bump into either of those, they'd leave rough patches on the skin. Great photos.

Bob Scotney said...

WE have a large holly bush next to our drive. It's quite an art to reverse the car without scratching its side.
I love pineapple but it's my wife that slices it up before cutting out the fruit in the middle of that rough skin.
Great shots.

Alexia said...

An interesting take on the theme - I love the textures of these shots!

Little Nell said...

No prickly comments either! We have agaves in our garden that can do some damage too!